
Week 8 - Creation, Fall, Redemption

Father finishes his thoughts on prayer and discusses the redemptive story.

Week 7 - Angels, Demons, and the Spiritual Life

In the first class of 2019 Father Alex discusses angels, demons, and how this impacts our spiritual life.

Week 6 - Faith

In this final Inquirer's class of 2018 Father Alexander tackles the topic of "faith" from the Orthodox perspective.

Week 5 - God the Trinity

This week Father Alexander explored the Christian understanding of the Mystery of the Holy Trinity. God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - and yet, we confess that there is only one God. Why is this important and what difference does it make for our spiritual life?

Week 4 - Holy Tradition, part 2

In this class Father Alex finishes up his lectures on Holy Tradition.

Week 3 - Holy Tradition, part 1

In this class Father Alex introduces us to the Orthodox understanding of Holy Tradition and what function it plays in the Churches life.